The Sistery Person is visiting for a pre-Christmas Christmas celebration…
Take charge of your collapsible gold Christmas tree…
Other decorations are the Farting Santa…
… a present from my Mother-in-Law, and illuminated bunnies…
Most enjoyable lunching & early evening socializing with Bredonborough pals.
Socialising, celebrating & having fun with my Sister are no reason to stay offline, however. A Crafty has sent an e-letter: life is hard, how they deal with it is not as they wish it to be, they are concerned what others think of them. Much like the rest of us, then. My reply…
we each do what we can, and do what we need to do to maintain ourselves. where this is not ideal, but not destructive, then let us acknowledge the situation as it is, without excuse but without destructive guilt. this is what it is: it is not ideal, but it is the best we can presently do.
in our interaction with others, it is not helpful to concern ourselves with their views of us. most of this is imaginary in any case.
it is important, for several reasons, for us to be positive in society. what would we wish to see in a person we meet in society? and then, how close to this person are we ourselves?
when we look at this, we find that an important virtue in a person is being positive, even where situations may appear to be adverse for them: for example, they do not complain to us of their problems.
most of us have problems. but they are our concern, not those of others we meet in society. with our close friends, we may share these difficulties. but when we do so, we need not do this is a bitter or moaning fashion: this can be done in a clean way.
my very best to you for the Christmas season, which has its own power & blessing.
Now, to view a high-action DVD with Sister.